Friday, March 5, 2010

Aprons, Sprinkles and Childhood

Meg's apron pattern was so easy to follow and came out so well! I couldn't resist adding pockets and I did a traditional neck strap to avoid elastic wrangling, but the velcro waist strap is just as darn clever as I had hoped and the Bean (at 2.5) could take it on and off herself. Thanks for the tutorial, Meg!

I finished fabulous K's apron just in time for her party. I added some sprinkles and cookie cutters to the gift bag along with the Fairy Cooking Book and I was pleased with the little package. The party was as fabulous as the birthday girl and our family had a great time.

Then this past week I heard from fabulous K's mommy that the sprinkles were the biggest hit of the entire gift. Not the fabulously pink, clever and crafty handmade apron, mind you, but the $2 last minute add-on. And you know what? That seems so right. So perfectly child-like. So completely throw-the-loud-flashy-thousand-pieced-Christmas-present-aside-and-play-with-the-box perfect. Yay for childhood and wonder and focusing on what is really most important. Which is, of course, sprinkles.

1 comment:

  1. So, I didn't know you had a blog. This is so fun to read. I wish I had known about it ealier. I have smiled so many times reading it tonight. And, you also didn't tell me that you made this apron for Kendall. I am so impressed! It looks so good that I would have never known it was handmade (not quite how my sewing projects turn out).


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